

Eleanor Crook sketching © House of Commons

Lying-in-State artists

Led on the commissioning of six artists to undertake residencies and produce new work in response to the lying-in-state of Queen Elizabeth II (2022 onwards).

Claude Lorraine, Seaport with the Embarkation of Saint Ursula, on display in St Stephen’s Hall © House of Commons.


The National Gallery visits Parliament

Led on the loan of one of the founding paintings of the National Gallery to mark Parliament’s role in founding the gallery 200 years ago. Parliament hosted the display and a programme of events.

Election Artist 2024, Parliament

Led on the appointment and management of the Election Artist commission for the House of Commons.

The Wrong Thing’ by Bedwyr Williams, Science Museum Group

Led initial commissioning and development (2019-2021) of a project jointly commissioned with Foreground to creatively respond to the Science Museum Group Collection and its move into a new home.


The Speaker’s State Coach in Westminster Hall, May 2023.

A portrait of the Rt Hon Theresa May MP

Led on the commission of a new portrait from Saied Dai by the Speaker’s Advisory Committee on Works of Art.

The Speaker’s State Coach

Led on displaying the Coach in Westminster Hall for the Coronation of HM King Charles III with accompanying interpretation.

A major acquisition for Parliament

Led on acquiring a portrait of Dame Millicent Garrett Fawcett by Annie Swynnerton for the Parliamentary Art Collection. Discussed with colleagues in a short film.

Policy development

Worked on creating and agreeing a Sensitive Objects policy for Parliament’s collections

Detail of Alan Measles - God in the time of Covid-19 by Grayson Perry, 2020 © Grayson Perry. Photo: © The Board of Trustees of the Science Museum


Platinum Jubilee displays, Parliament

Curated two temporary displays in the Houses of Parliament - for the House of Commons and House of Lords - celebrating works in the collections acquired or commissioned for previous jubilees.

Yinka Shonibare, effective, defective, creative (1999), Science Museum

Instigated and curated move of this seminal work into the Who am I? gallery at the Science Museum, with updated interpretation.

Art and Covid-19, Science Museum

Led on collecting a series of artworks capturing the impacts of Covid-19 for the Science Museum, including installing a new work by Grayson Perry in Medicine: The Wellcome Galleries.


In discussion at the opening of Amazônia at the Science Museum © The Board of Trustees of the Science Museum

Amazônia, Science Museum

Internal curator for touring exhibition of new works by Sebastião Salgado, including additional content and commissioned blog series.

Illuminating Objects’ collaboration with The Courtauld (2018-2021)

Co-supervised a collaborative display and internship programme to put a series of The Courtauld’s decorative art objects on display at the Science Museum, culminating in a display in the reopened Courtauld in 2021. Including a panel discussion.

Installation shot of ‘For Science’ by Jenny Holzer, 2020 © Jenny Holzer, ARS. In ‘Medicine: The Wellcome Galleries’ at the Science Museum. Photo: © The Board of Trustees of the Science Museum


‘For Science’ by Jenny Holzer

Curated a fifth art commission for Medicine: The Wellcome Galleries to mark a year since opening. Blogged here.


Installation shot of Bloom by Studio Roso in ‘Medicine: The Wellcome Galleries’ at the Science Museum © The Board of Trustees of the Science Museum

Medicine: The Wellcome Galleries, Science Museum

Curated four major art commissions from Eleanor Crook, Siân Davey, Marc Quinn and Studio Roso. The Galleries contributed to the museum being named a winner of Art Fund Museum of the Year 2020.

The Art of Innovation: From Enlightenment to Dark Matter, Science Museum 

Co-curated the exhibition. Contributed to the accompanying book and Radio 4 series. Wrote for ArtUK about five highlights.

New Smith Centre, Science Museum 

Co-curated the object displays. The centre was opened by HM the Queen.

The ‘Pacific Encounters Gallery’ at Royal Museums Greenwich © National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London


Pacific Encounters’ gallery, Royal Museums Greenwich

Co-curated this new permanent gallery. This work was supported by a joint Art Fund Jonathan Ruffer Curatorial Grant to travel to the Pacific in 2017.

The Sun: Living with our Star, Science Museum

Contributed to the exhibition, to linked media coverage, and co-wrote the accompanying book.


The Cabinet of Curiosities in the Queen’s House, Royal Museums Greenwich © National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London

Queen’s House, Royal Museums Greenwich

One of four curators working on the complete refurbishment and redisplay. Particularly curated a maritime ‘Cabinet of Curiosities’ and displays on ‘The Allure of Science’ and ‘Classic Cook’.

Re·Think Gallery, Royal Museums Greenwich

Curatorial lead on the Exploration theme, and for the whole of the linked ‘Travellers’ Tails’ HLF-funded programme.


‘Unseen: The Lives of Looking by Dryden Goodwin’, Royal Museums Greenwich

Curated and project managed this fourth contemporary art show in the Queen's House.

‘The Art & Science of Exploration, 1768-80’, Royal Museums Greenwich

Co-curated this exhibition in the Queen’s House

Installation shot of ‘Unseen: The Lives of Looking by Dryden Goodwin’ at Royal Museums Greenwich © National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London


Installation shot of the coffee house in ‘Ships, Clocks and Stars: The Quest for Longitude’ at Royal Museums Greenwich

‘Ships, Clocks & Stars: The Quest for Longitude’, Royal Museums Greenwich

Contributed to the exhibition and press coverage.

Other projects, 2008 onwards

External assessor for MA Curating the Art Museum, Courtauld, exhibition module (2018-2024)

Invited regional judge for ARTiculation public speaking heat (2022)

President of the ‘Science and the Arts’ section, British Science Association (2021-2022)

International Engagement Fellow with the AAMC/Art Fund (2020-2022)

Board Member - Social Media, Museums and Galleries History Group (2017-2021)

Member of the ‘100 Hours’ Project at UCL (2013-2014)

Collections Assistant on the Store Stories Project at the Whipple Museum of the History of Science, Cambridge (2013)

Project Assistant on the ‘Wallich and Indian Natural History’ Project’ for the Natural History Museum, Centre for Arts and Humanities Research with Kew Gardens and the British Library (2010)

Freelance editor for the International Council of Money and Banking Museums (ICOMON) (2009-2013)

Various roles in the British Museum Coins and Medals Department, working on historic collections and digitisation (2008-2010)