Pacific Encounters

Readers of this blog know that one of my projects while at Royal Museums Greenwich was co-curating a new Pacific gallery. I was lucky enough to go on a trip to parts of the Pacific last year, which I reflected on in a post.

On Thursday, the new Pacific Encounters gallery - and three others in the same new wing - opened to the public, and I could not be more proud. I've never worked on a project before where I've left before installation, and I was surprised how overwhelming I found it to see the gallery fully formed, when I'd last seen it on paper.

I spent some proper time on Saturday looking around and enjoying all of the details that I'd forgotten. I tweeted a series of my favourite things, so thought that might be the best way to share them with my readers, and commemorate the moment on this blog.


Here comes the Sun


The Wellcome sinks its teeth into the history of dentistry